Saturday, June 29, 2024

A Very Wet Week

What a strange summer we're having! We've had a lot of sizzling record-breaking heat and a lot of rain. The humidity has been off the charts. This summer has been kind of a bust so far--I hope things shift to something more outdoors-friendly! Fortunately this week, I was able to get all my runs done outside. 

Time on the lake? We're home this weekend. After last weekend's flooding rains in Wisconsin, piers are underwater, boats have become unmoored, and as of this writing, the lake is still a no-wake zone. I'm starting to wonder if there's going to be any waterskiing this summer!

Weekly Rundown
Sunday: Ice Age Trail Run 2.75m/600ft
Monday: CrossFit; Fleet Feet Pride Run 3 miles
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: trail run 8.5 miles
Thursday: CrossFit
Friday: run 6 miles
Saturday: Strength/Yoga

After a very stormy night that brought multiple tornadoes to the area and 3+ inches of rain, I got up early with hopes to run the marsh segment of the IAT. After coffee and a bowl of oatmeal, I drove towards the trail, only to detour when I saw a sign directing me to the strawberry patch. Yep, it was the last day to pick strawberries and I was greedy and wanted more. On my way to the farm, I passed the Fern Glen segment of the IAT and spontaneously decided to run there after I finished strawberry picking. The strawberries were soft from all the rain and it took me quite a while to pick the 4 pounds I ended up with. 

The Fern Glen segment is a short little trail, so I don't run there often. I was worried that after all the rain we had the night before the trails would be a mess. As soon as I entered the woods, I saw the washout where the water from the rain came through. There was a downed tree that I had to pass under. Once I got through there, the trail was fine. I had forgotten how much climbing I'd have to do on this short trail. I reached the other trailhead and immediately slipped into some deep, thick mud. Ugh. Once I got myself back up, I headed back the way I came. I was happy to see my car!

I always check the WOD before I go to CrossFit and on Monday, I almost didn't go. The strength portion was a snatch complex. The coach took us through an extensive and very comprehensive warm-up, so I felt good going into this one. I started out with the light bar (15#) and built 5# with each round, finishing at 45#. I couldn't do the overhead squats at that weight--my arms were just too tired--but the coach complimented me on my form with the snatches I did! The MetCon was a 21-15-9 with 2 minutes rest then 9-15-21 of bike calories and burpees. We had 20 minutes to do it and I almost made it, finishing with all the bike calories and 2 of the final 21 burpees. This was a tough workout!

Later on Monday evening, I was excited to head into the city for Fleet Feet's Pride Run! But first, I met my sons and their girlfriends for an early dinner and a beer at Forbidden Root in Ravenswood, on the north side of Chicago. It's always a treat to spend time with them! I left them to drive down to Lakeview for the main event. Brooks sponsors this event and 4 of my Chicago teammates were there! We ran a 3 mile out-and-back to the lakefront. It was a warm evening and we were a sweaty mess by the time we got back to the store. There was water, sweet treats, and salads for all. What a fun event!

It was super humid and overcast when I hit the trails on Wednesday. I made a poor wardrobe choice for this run, wearing a pair of brightly colored shorts. The muddy trails took a toll on them. Yes, there was a lot of mud and the creeks were high. I slipped on the mud multiple times but mostly stayed upright except on one creek crossing when I slipped off the log and fell in, catching myself with my hands on the bank. What a mess! On the plus side, I saw a few deer including a fawn running through the woods. There were some very cool mushrooms too. I earned my shower on this run for sure!

On Thursday at CrossFit, the MetCon was a 12 minute workout of 1 lap banded side steps, 5/5 around the worlds holding a kettlebell (25#), and 10 banded face pulls. I completed 4 rounds of this. The MetCon was a 15 minute EMOM of box overs, pushups, goblet lunges (25#), bike cals, and rest. This was a spicy one!

I woke up to light rain on Friday, which felt refreshing as I headed out on my run. The humidity was off the charts, but the rain and a gentle breeze out of the east kept me cool. The only issue I had on this run happened during the last mile when I struggled to catch my breath and my heart rate shot up. Since this seemingly came out of nowhere, I wonder if there was something in the air to cause this?

On Saturday, I took a walk around the neighborhood and then came home to do a new-to-me strength workout on YouTube. I'm always looking for posterior chain workouts and this one by Kaleigh Cohen was just what I wanted! I finished up with a yoga for flexibility class with Adriene.

How was your week? Have you been getting a lot of rain? Do you like running in the rain? Did you attend any Pride events?

It's hard to believe that June is coming to an end! On Tuesday, I'll have my monthly mini-book reviews. 

 I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown. 


  1. It’s awesome that Brooks does so many events in Chicago. I’m always surprised they don’t do anything in DC. Excited to meet all the Chicago peeps in September. We had another crazy hot and humid week which makes running very hard and uninviting at the moment

  2. We’ve had a few storms come through at night, but the yard still seems dry.
    The Brooks Pride event looks like fun! We’ve had some guest speaker programs at work to recognize LGBTQ+ /Pride.

  3. We haven't had a lot of rainy days, but when it does rain we get plenty. The humidity had been crazy here as well. I'm rocking all kinds of up-do's and "fancy" ponies with my hair, LOL.

    1. Nothing fancy for me--I just pull it back when it's humid, lol

  4. We get some rain every day- it's our rainy season- but there's still a lot of sunshine. Typical summer in Florida. Looking at your photos reminds me of how gloomy that part of the country can be! Sounds like you had a great week in spite of it all. Looking forward to your book reviews!

    1. Yes--we do have a lot of gloomy days here. But that makes us appreciate the good ones!

  5. Uff - glad you didn't injure yourself when falling into that creek! Nice job of getting all your workouts done despite the awful weather.
    I have a half marathon next Saturday. It's in the Swiss mountains and a lot of mudslides have happened there. Trains are no longer running and roads have been closed. Let's see if the race will still happen!

    So nice you could see your sons! Was there an occasion you were celebrating?

    1. No--I just had a gap of time between a doctor's appointment and the pride run! it was a good excuse to see them!

  6. I went to Queens Heath Pride last Sunday - it was invented by local comedian Joe Lycett a couple of years ago (and featured in his touring show all around the world!) and turns Kings Heath into Queens Heath for the weekend. Lots of local businesses change their names and there is a very short parade and event with music etc on a side street on the Sunday. We went and saw lots of friends from running club and Labour activism there, the acts were good and the main one was Tea Koffi who is from Drag Race, very glam. No actual races but I've been nursing a wonky knee so that's for the best (doing OK, managed 6 slow walk/run miles today). Hope the rain eases off!

  7. Omg to falling in the creek - yikes! We got a little rain this week and I definitely had to cut my run short yesterday because it started not just raining but thundering. I dont mind running in the rain in the summer - I do mind running in the 35-40 degree rain in the fall/winter because that is too cold for me to be wet! We sadly didn't get to any pride events this year. Last year we were in Pittsburgh for their pride parade and we had a ton of fun. My kids did do a pride celebration-themed event at the library, but that was all we got to this month.

    1. I'm glad that your kids get to experience pride events! It's so important to normalize diversity.

  8. So sorry to hear about the floodings and all the rain. You’ve had some exciting trail runs this week for sure!
    Good work with those Crossfit sessions. They sound really tough!
    Our weather has been ok recently but in the past week it’s become cooler and more unstsble. Still decent though and no persistent rain. I really hope we can get a good summer! There’s still hope.

    1. We're having some very nice weather this upcoming week. It's very appreciated!

  9. In the summer, a light rain is welcoming.. A big NO to thunderstorms.. this has been a crazy summer weather-wise.

    Nope on the Pride events here... In nYC, yes!

  10. Mud socks, a new design!
    I love the Brooks Pride attire. I wore the hat Saturday for my Pride walk. Stay safe in thi sbonkers weather

  11. You are BRAVE to deal with all that mud! Not my jam at all.
    It's been pouring and storming and tornado-ing here. I can't stand it. The pugs are mad, the air is humid, and everything is awful. Mud would send me right over the edge. That being said, you did get a lot in and I love that for you. Stay safe out there!
    And yes, I did a pride race. I was sad not to have the most recent Brooks pride tank, but I did have an old one, and all my Goodr pride glasses!

    1. I wore my Pride trail tank and my Brooks shoes from last year. That design was better than this year IMHO. I got so many compliments on them!

  12. What a MUDDY week! My goodness - I don't mind running in the rain but preferably on tar with no mud in sight! That Pride Run sounded like so much fun. I fell in love with the bright yellow tights the runner on the far left is wearing in the photo!

    1. I loved all the love and the positivity at the Pride Run. What an amazing event!

  13. Look at those muddy legs, socks, and shoes! We have dust, not mud because it's been very dry here this late spring and summer.

    1. I really enjoyed our respite from the rain earlier this week. But this morning, it's back into the rain forest.

  14. It's been a long time since I've been out on a trail in the rain, or even mud! Sometimes a summer rain is quite refreshing, but other times, just annoying. The Pride event looks very fun! There were a few events in my town but I didn't attend any.

    1. It was my second time attending the Pride Run and it was even better this year!
