Showing posts with label mother's day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mother's day. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Make-up Race

It was race week and I was ready! I had some great runs leading up to Saturday but I didn't push myself too hard. I wanted to keep my legs fresh. I did notice an area of concern--my left glute is not firing. I noticed it on Sunday. My right glute was really sore after my run and while I was running, I felt like it was doing all the work. At my race on Saturday, I stumbled way more than I should have--catching my left toe and nearly falling multiple times. I didn't fall, thankfully--that would have been tragic on this trail, as it's really rocky and rooty. But it reinforced that I need to get back to basics with some posterior chain work, focusing on that side.

This week I learned that I received a complimentary entry to the Indianapolis Monumental Half Marathon from Brooks! The race is November 9. I've always wanted to run this one and November is a good time of year for a long distance race. A couple other teammates will be joining me.  I keep saying I'm done with long distance road racing, but here I go again.  People who've done it say it's a 'fast course'. We'll see about that!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Don't Worry, Run Happy!

The family drama I wrote about last week spilled into this week. I keep wishing it would go away, but I don't think that is going to happen. Thank goodness for running and my workouts. I was able to sweat out a lot of my stress again. We had beautiful weather for most of the week, and I fully enjoyed my trail runs. There's just something about being in nature that makes me so happy!

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Coffee Talk

Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link.

Let's catch up over coffee! What will you be having? I'm drinking a cup of Key West Sunrise from Cuban Coffee Queen, thanks to my oldest, who just returned from a weekend in Key West. If we were having coffee, I'd tell you that I was touched that he thought of me! Actually, he sent me pictures throughout his trip, which was really nice. 

The coffee is great. Of course, I'm having mine with a scoop of GLG collagen and a splash of half and half. Old habits die hard!

What would you tell me over coffee?

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Coffee Talk and April's Book Reviews

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.

Good morning! Let's catch up over a cuppa--I'm trying a new-to-me super tasty Starbucks Golden Turmeric blend that I picked up at the grocery store. It's not as roasty as their traditional coffees, and with the turmeric, I get a little anti-inflammatory power too! Of course, there's a scoop of GLG Collagen powder and a splash of half and half, because that's how I roll. 

What's in your cup? What would you tell me over coffee?

Friday, May 8, 2020

10 Unique Gifts for the Mother Runner in Your Life

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.

Better late than never, right? Mother's Day is just 2 days away! I feel like it snuck up on me. How did that even happen? I'm embarassed to say that I haven't shopped for my mom yet. Since most of us are staying at home, it's not like we don't have the time to shop. I feel like the busier I am, the more I get done, but now with all this time on my hands, things seem to be not getting done.

How will you be spending Mother's Day? It looks like my sisters and I will Zoom chat with my mom. I look forward to the day when I can see my family again. In the meantime, I've been preparing this list of cool gifts for the mother runner in your life. I'll be forwarding it to my men...let's see if they take the hint!

photo credit

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Mother's Day Gift Suggestions for the Active Mom

This post contains affiliate links.

In case you didn't know it, Mother's Day is coming up this weekend. I'm pretty sure my men are completely unaware. Real talk. In case they're paying attention, I'm going to share a couple of things that I think would be perfect for any active mom, not just me! 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Coming Down from that Post-Race High

After a great race, how long does it take for that post-race high to wear off? If you had nothing else going on in your life, you could ride the wave for a long time, I'd think. Even though it was over a year ago, I still get all warm and fuzzy when I talk about Big Sur. But my Big Sur post-race high got a big buzz kill merely one week after we arrived home when my youngest son broke his leg in a traumatic rugby tackle. Life has a way of evening the score, doesn't it?

Speaking of buzz kills, it's been 5 months since my diagnosis with rheumatoid arthritis. Last weekend's Door County Half Marathon with Holly gave me a much-needed boost. Even though RA is affecting me enough that I had to pull the plug on my planned June marathon, I was pleased that I was able to finish a half marathon and a hilly one at that. I'm still a runner! I can do this! My runner's ego was feeling good.

Towards the middle of the week, RA decided to remind me that it is indeed the boss of me. I started having a little bit more hand and ankle swelling and fatigue. In true Wendy fashion, I ignored it. I talked with my director about going back to work in a week or so, and she told me to make sure I'm ready to come back. She made a comment about me not "trying to muscle through this". That struck a nerve. Is that what I do? Is it the runner in me that makes me push through adversity off the road too?

As the week went on and reality settled back in, my post-race high started to melt away and so did my determination to do it all.

Friday, May 12, 2017

6 Gifts Every Running Mom Wants (and They Don't Cost a Dime!)

If you didn't already know, Mother's Day is this weekend. I've seen plenty of posts about gifts for running moms. There are so many awesome things that I won't be receiving from my family. They say they don't know what to get me. That's why I buy what I want for myself.

I can always think of things that I'd love from my guys. The gifts that mean the most don't cost anything but time. I truly believe that the best gifts come from the heart. I've listed 6 ideas for gifts I think most running moms would love. If you are already receiving these things from your significant other and your kids, consider yourself lucky. From what I hear and read, most mother runners are on their own!

I got my Mother's Day gift, right here!