Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sisters, Doing it for Themselves

It's always hard to come back to reality after a really fun trip! My trip to Austin with my sister was a whirlwind of activity, food, and fun. Because even out of town, the workouts don't stop. I'm sharing some of the highlights of our trip on this post.

I'm also sharing a synopsis of the last 2 weeks of workouts. Since I was out of town last weekend, I didn't publish my usual weekly wrap-up post. In the interest of brevity, there won't be a lot of workout details in this post, but if you follow me on Instagram (and you should!), then you know I've been moving and posing.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Runfessions for September

It's the end of September--can you believe it? But that can only mean one thing, right? I mean besides pumpkin everything. The end of the month means it's time for Runfessions, that monthly clearing of the conscience, hosted by Marcia's Healthy Slice. Have you runfessed lately? It feels great and there's no penance.

You would think that after my most recent runfession, I'd have nothing left to share. I thought about saving that story for this post, but it was like diarrhea. I just couldn't hold it in.

Have no fear. There's plenty more where that came from. The runfessional is open..

Runfessions for September

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Myth Busting: Fact Checking Some Conventional Running Wisdom

I just finished watching the presidential debates. While most of you know where I stand, this isn't a forum for political debate. It's a running blog, but I have to admit that Hilary's repeated request for fact checking inspired me to do some fact checking of my own--not on politics, but on running myths.

Just log onto Facebook and the running advice abounds. I'm no expert but I know enough to be dangerous. There's good advice, mediocre advice, and bad advice. As a medical provider, I base my decisions on evidence. Anecdotes and stories are great, but "correlation doesn't mean causation.

But then there's that advice that keeps appearing. Similar to urban legends, these running "tips" keep showing up on social media. For today's Wednesday Word, which is wisdom, I thought I'd put on my professor cap and try to dispel some commonly accepted running wisdom which isn't quite so wise.

Myth Busting: Fact Checking Some Conventional Running Wisdom

Friday, September 23, 2016

How to Turn a Vacation Into a Runcation

This post is coming to you from somewhere above 30,000 feet. Today I'm jetting off to Austin, Texas with my sister for our annual sister weekend. Every year we go somewhere we've never been to celebrate our birthdays and sisterhood. Our trips are full of food, fun, and adventure. We are great traveling companions and have made a lot of fun memories on these trips.

These trips are all about us. I never plan races for our sister weekend. We do pack our running shoes though because it's always fun to run in a new place! Actually, no matter where I go or whomever I am traveling with, I always pack my running shoes. I can't think of a better way to explore a new destination. My family is so accustomed to my running that it's almost as if they expect me to head out for a run. I always find a way to make it work. No excuses! Any vacation can be a runcation!

How to Turn a Vacation into a Runcation

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

What Do You Want To Accomplish?

Once again, I sit down to rewrite a post that was already written. My husband and I were talking after dinner, sharing a glass of wine. I told him a story about my run today.

I was running in the park. I approached a lady who was texting on her phone, oblivious to anything around her. She had a little dog on a leash, which was fully extended. She didn't see me coming, but the dog did. Teeth showing, growling, he charged at me. Given the chance, I'm pretty sure he would have ripped my leg off. She looked up as I cried out, "your dog!". She didn't know what to do and I made a wide berth around her. Over my music, I heard her say "sorry". I just gave her "the look".

You know the look. If you've been a runner for any length of time, you've thrown that look at cars who blow stop signs. At cyclists who ride a little too close for comfort. And at clueless dog owners.

The look that says: "what are you thinking?"

As I ran past the dog walker, I kept thinking to myself, what is the point? Either you walk the dog or you text. You can't do both, right?

I guess you can, but what are you trying to accomplish?

What Do You Want to Accomplish?

Sunday, September 18, 2016

I Have No Shame...

Summer just won't let go. Not that I'm complaining but normally in September, things cool down. We are nowhere near cool. I'm actually enjoying the continued daytime warm temperatures but it's still warmer than a runner likes. In spite of the unexpected warmth, I'm having some good runs. The foot is still fairly quiet.

I'm grateful for all of this. No matter what life throws at me, and it's been throwing a lot of stuff my way, running deflects a lot of the negative energy. My runs have felt smooth and my paces are steady. It's as if I'm running in a groove.

I had this weekly wrapup all prepared to publish. All I had to do was to complete today's long run. I figured I'd come home from the run, put in a little comment about how it went and hit publish. Easy peasy, right?

Well, we all know that saying about making plans, right?

I Have No Shame

Friday, September 16, 2016

Book Review: Running Home by Alisha Perkins

Why do you run?

Some of us run for fitness, to lose weight, or for fun. For many of us, running is therapy. I started running to manage anxiety and stress. So did Alisha Perkins. When Alisha reached out to me to ask me if I wanted to read her book, Running Home, for the book club, I immediately said yes.

Running Home by Alisha Perkins
Running Home: Big-League Wife - Small-Town Story

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks

One of the things I fear most about getting older is being afraid to try new things.

You hear this a lot. Change is hard. The whole comfort zone thing.

One of my really good friends got a new car this year. Her previous car was 20+ years old. When I saw her new car, I was stunned. A Cadillac? Isn't that something our grandparents drove? Are we that old? But that isn't what bothered her. For her, the hardest part was getting used to all the technology. She didn't know how to work all the gadgets. She wanted her old car. It was comfortable. It was easy to operate. This new car "beeped at her", she said. She "hated it".

How did this happen? My fearless friend, afraid of a car?

It's funny, because, in my job as a pediatric nurse practitioner, the kids I see all have no fear. They bang on my computer. Grab the otoscope off the wall and play doctor. Operate their parents' phone like a tech expert.

What happens as we get older? How do we prevent ourselves from becoming fearful of new things, new experiences?

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Running Back to Center

In spite of writing some rather humorous blog posts, I've been kind of a grump all week. As much as I try to stay positive, run, and pick up pennies, I just couldn't shake off my funk. As I sit here, summarizing my week of workouts, I keep thinking to myself: what the hell was wrong with me?

Nothing really bad happened this week. Actually, nothing bad at all. When I think about it, it was a good week.

I got in some really good runs. The foot is calm. There have been some twinges, just to remind me to not push myself too hard. Yoga was blissful. All's quiet on the home front--at least for now. And a cold front came through yesterday, blowing that humidity and heat out east. It feels a little like fall.

Running Back to Center

Friday, September 9, 2016

5 Favorite Ways to Refuel After a Run

Now that I'm back to "real" running again, it's time to also get back on track with eating. Not that I consider what I've been doing all summer as "fake" running, but when I'm not training for anything, I tend to slack off in all areas, including the nutrition department. Let's just say there's been more wine, more chocolate, and more ice cream consumed this summer than I care to admit. My husband doesn't realize that I have 2 boyfriends and their names are Ben and Jerry. Karamel Sutra, anyone?

Sounds naughty, doesn't it? I've been bad and it's time to behave. Too much food and treats make too much Wendy.

I do love me some good food, and you know that I don't like to deprive myself of anything. But with everything in life, I practice moderation. There will always be chocolate, wine, and ice cream in my life. I just need to exert a little self-control and make the right choices. Today's Friday Five theme is all about food and drink, and I wanted to share what works for me when I'm training.

5 Favorite Ways to Refuel After A Run

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Picking Up Pennies

On one of my runs this week, I found a penny. I stopped to pick it up and put it in my SpiBelt.

This isn't out of the ordinary for me--along with all the odd things I see on the run, I find a lot of change. I always stop to pick up any coins I see. You never know if it will bring you good luck, right?

Have you heard the saying, "Find a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck"?

Do you think a dime gives 10x good luck? What about that $20 I found a few years back?

Running pays. In so many ways.

Picking Up Pennies

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Balanced and Back on Track

This is my favorite time of year. It's still warm enough to feel like summer, yet there is a change in the way it feels. Maybe it's the lower angle of the sun or those crisp, cool mornings, but it just feels different. Kind of the last hurrah of summer, in a sense.

Don't get me wrong, there will still be warm days into October. Trust me on that! All 3 Chicago Marathons I've run were warm ones. I like those warm fall days but not for running 26.2! But for shorter distances and bike rides, the cooler mornings and moderating warmth are a welcome change.

This past week, the heat broke and we had some spectacular conditions. I had some good runs and I walked the dog multiple times. She's enjoying these walks as much as me, although we've had to alter our schedule to accommodate the fading daylight. I'm looking forward to greeting the sun once again on my morning runs!

Balanced and Back on Track

Friday, September 2, 2016

Is This Thing On? 5 Fitness Photo Bloopers

It's FRIYAY! It's a holiday weekend! Let's get this party started!

As a follow-up to last week's post on taking photos for Instagram, I thought it might be fun to look at the things that can go wrong when taking fitness photos. Some blunders are glaringly obvious, but other boo-boos can be more subtle. As always, view your pictures with a critical eye. Before I share a picture on social media, I always like to ask myself: "is this something I'd want to look at?"

5 Fitness Photo Bloopers

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

It seems like a radical idea these days.

I had this thought on my most recent bike ride when I had yet another encounter with an aggressive driver in a large SUV. I was riding on the road when he drove by me as if I wasn't there. He was so close I could touch the side of the car. There was no excuse for him not to move over. The road where I was riding has a large median strip and there were no cars coming in the other direction.

When I approached the driver at the stoplight, I asked him if he tried to run me off the road. He got defensive. "No, I did not try to run you off the road," he replied. I told him I was glad about that and asked him to be more careful the next time.

As I rode away, I fought tears.

This is getting old. But it's not just the bike.

Why are people so mean?

I don't know about you, but I've noticed just a general loss of kindness and civility these days.

Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Trials and Errors

This was a week of trials and errors, both on and off the road. Some weeks are like that. I've been struggling with some career decisions and a couple of days off early this week gave me time to clear my head. Wouldn't it be great to have someone to tell us what to do? Fortunately, there's running and cycling to give me time alone with my thoughts.

It was also an interesting week on the blog. My post about taking photos for Instagram was really popular and that made me happy! But I think my Runfessions post may have offended some people when I talked about race bumper stickers. By no means do I judge any of you who put running bumper stickers--no matter what distance--on your car. You know I am supportive of anyone who runs, no matter what the distance. I know how hard it is to up your distance and to line up to run a race. But I've shared in the past about how I didn't feel like a real runner until I ran 26.2, which is why that will be the only distance I put on my car. Even my first marathon didn't meet my standards. This is my issue, my problem and I'm sorry if anything I said was misinterpreted. We are all on our own journey. This blog chronicles mine.

Along with that, my workouts were a test of patience. The high humidity was back again. I had some time constraints and weather related issues, and this week flexibility was the key to getting it all done.

Trials and Errors

Friday, August 26, 2016

Runfessions: August Edition

I cannot believe it's the end of August! Which means it's time once again for Runfessions! Do you runfess? Marcia's Healthy Slice hosts this monthly wipe the slate clean linkup where you can let it all out. It feels sooooo good. I highly recommend it. It's been a tough month over here at the Long Way Home household and I've been waiting for this opportunity to blow off some steam and let the 'fessions flow...

Runfessions: August Edition

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Capturing the Radiance of the Sun: Taking Photos for Instagram

One of my favorite things to do is taking pictures with my iPhone. I've always had cameras but never seemed have the knack for capturing the right shot. Maybe it's because I was limited to film and had to wait for my pictures to come back from the lab. With digital photography and my iPhone, I get to see my pictures right away. I'm always amazed at the quality of photos I grab with my iPhone. I've been able to experiment and hone my picture-taking skills. Some filtering helps enhance what I capture as well.

I get a lot of requests for advice on taking fitness photos. I like to play with the sun and the sky and I thought I'd share some of the things I've learned with you. I'm no expert, though. A lot of what I've learned has been through trial and error, and there's been some dumb luck too. You know, right place, right time...

Today, I'm going to share some of my secrets for capturing the sun in my photos!

Taking Photos for Instagram

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Running with Mother Nature

It's been a steamy, stormy week but the running didn't stop! And yay for that. I took full advantage of the cooler air immediately after storms blew through several times and had some really nice runs that brought my confidence back.

I've been thinking a lot about how much the weather affects my running.

Running With Mother Nature

Clearly, the heat and humidity are a huge factor in my running. My half marathon times from hot and humid conditions are markedly slower than times from that distance run in much cooler conditions. I know that's pretty standard for most runners. But after watching the women's and men's marathons in hot and humid Rio this past week, I had to ask myself, is it possible to "heat proof" your running?

Friday, August 19, 2016

5 of My Favorite Things....Lately

Summer's winding down but it's not out yet! Actually, even though most of us are still dealing with significant heat and humidity, this is my favorite part of summer. The days are getting shorter, the mornings a bit cooler. Things are pretty dry and crisp. It just feels different! The kids are back at school and there is a welcome return to routine.

In the spirit of the Friday 5, I'm writing about five of my latest favorite things! 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

So I Run...

No one tells you how hard it is to be a mom.

When my boys were younger, being a mom was easier. Little boys, little problems, right?

Hugs and kisses and wiping tears away. That's all that I needed to do.

Now? Not so much. Big boys, bigger problems.

"A mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child". 

So I run.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Can't Stop, Won't Stop!

Hot enough for you? This week, Mother Nature unleashed a fury of scorching, steamy weather on top of what has been an already hot summer for us Midwesterners. While a few weeks back I wrote a post about embracing the summer heat, loving these conditions is a challenge for even the most summer loving of us!

But you know the mantra: the weather might be hot but the workouts don't stop!

Ok, I just made that up.

But truly, the workouts haven't stopped. I just can't, you know....

Friday, August 12, 2016

Book Review: Boston Bound

How many of us have that one pinnacle event, that must-do marathon, that bucket list race? For me, it was the Big Sur International Marathon. For Elizabeth Clor, that race was the Boston Marathon. But as many runners know, even if training runs are on the mark, qualifying isn't as easy as it would seem. In her memoir Boston Bound, Clor chronicles her journey through multiple marathons as she attempts to slay the demons that kept her from lining up at what most long distance runners consider to be the ultimate race of marathoning.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A LIfe Without Running...

Imagine if you will, a life without running.

Maybe you can.

I've given it some thought. I've had a tough go of it this summer. I've finally conceded to this relentless PF and pulled back on my mileage and my pacing. By doing so, I've lost a lot of fitness. Combine that with the heat and humidity of summer and my runs have been really tough.

I miss those easy 8-10 milers that I normally run on the weekends.

I miss the fast paced 5-6 milers I bust out during the week.

I miss training for a race.

Right now, I'm happy if I can finish 4 miles without stopping to walk.

I blame the weather and PF but is there more contributing to my problems with running?

Is this the inevitable slowdown that comes with aging? Can I accept that? Should I just hang up my shoes?

People do stop running as they get older. The proof is in the numbers. When I moved from the 45-49 age group into my current old lady group, the drop in the number of participants was dramatic. Arthritis happens. All that wear and tear on the joints takes a toll.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Staying Grounded, Staying Afloat

Life has been full of ups and downs this summer.

Thankfully, I've got running and yoga to keep me grounded. And I've always got my sense of humor to keep me moving forward.

It's been a really full week and there's lots to read here...

I could not get my legs all the way up this time!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Running Treasure Hunt!

It's August. And it's hot. I don't know about you but I don't feel motivated to do much of anything this time of year. I just want to lay in a hammock somewhere, on the beach, reading a trashy novel.

But I'm a runner, dammit! So I've been doing what runners do this time of year, slogging along, trying to get some miles in, and posting sweaty selfies. Last week while suffering through one of my runs, I couldn't help but notice all kinds of interesting things along the roadside. After I run by, I think about those things I see and the story behind them. Since my lack of ambition has extended to the blog, those thoughts about roadside treasure inspired a theme custom-made for the lazy running blogger.

Maybe the heat has affected my brain, but I thought, why not host a running treasure hunt! Yes! We all see interesting things on the run, right? While interesting may be in the eye of the beholder, I think it's fun to see what other people find along the route. I've got a link up at the bottom of this post so you can share your post. You don't have to be a blogger. You can post your Instagram, Facebook, or blog URL in the link up.

The rules are simple. After you link up, please visit at least 2-3 others to share the love. I do ask is that you link back to this post. There's a graphic at the bottom of the post you can use if you'd like. Feedback is always welcome!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Running Captivated

Fully 99% of my runs are outside. If you live in the northern part of the US, you know that running outside any time of year can be a challenge. We experience the most extremes of weather--from the polar vortex to heat that has been described as hell. I may adjust my schedule in accordance with the conditions, but the only conditions that force me to run on my treadmill are ice and lightning. When my boys were little, sometimes I had no choice but to run inside. Life happens. But it's those runners who choose to run on the treadmill--I may not understand you, but I'm not judging you.

It's just that treadmill running is just so darned boring. What is there to look at while you are running on the treadmill? The TV?

Quite often I lose myself in my runs because the scenery is so captivating. Where I live and run, the scenery isn't so spectacular, but year round, Mother Nature comes through with rewards almost every morning. For the last couple of years, I've attempted to capture what I see on my runs.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Time For To Play

Wouldn't it be nice if we could always be on vacation?

After a short jaunt to the north woods last weekend, it was back to work with Becky and back to work for reals. Another trip to the ER with Matthew, this time for anaphylaxis. Scared and shaken, but he's ok.

All of which threatened to shake my resolve to stay positive. And that's all I'm going to say about that. Instead, I'm going to focus on our fun, active getaway. 

And just keep on running...

The title of this post is a lyric from a Jimmy Buffett song, The Weather is Here, Wish You Were Beautiful

Friday, July 29, 2016

Runfessions for July

It's that time again...time to runfess! This monthly clearing of the conscience feels so good! Marcia makes it all happen and there's no penance. So come on in and share your deepest, darkest runfessions!

I refer to my early morning pool running sessions as a geriatric happy hour. Usually, I am the youngest person there. Mostly there are the pool noodle ladies and elderly men in speedos. Which shouldn't even be a thing, IMHO. But wait...hello!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hot Wheeling: Venus de Miles Ride Recap

Another fun Venus de Miles Illinois event is in the books!

I participated in the 25-mile ride last year and was so happy with my experience that this year I applied to be an ambassador. The Venus de Miles ride benefits the Greenhouse Scholars, which is an organization dedicated to providing "personal and financial support to high-performing, under-resourced college students". This is a great organization and I was thrilled to be a part of it again this year! I summed up the mission of the ride in a blog post earlier this summer. Today's post is the recap of this year's event. There is also a ride coming up later this summer in Colorado.

My sister lives less than a mile from the start of the Illinois ride. Since she was riding with me this year I met her at her house.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Loving...and Not Loving

This week ended on loving a spontaneous road trip to my parents' place in Northern Wisconsin! I have some time off work this week. While I planned on a staycation to get things done at home aka declutter, the lure of cooler temperatures and serenity were too hard to pass up. I'm hoping to avoid a repeat of my foot injury. I promise not to drink wine and go kayaking.

While I'm not loving the clutter, it can wait for a rainy/snowy day. It's summer and the living is easy...

Friday, July 22, 2016

5 Reasons to Love Running in the Heat

Hot enough for you? Everyone is talking about this summer's heat. Mother Nature has turned on the blast furnace in regions of the US that are usually more temperate. The media are out in force, reporting on the heat and giving advice. I'm sure there will be the requisite attempts to fry an egg on the sidewalk, bake cookies on the car dashboard, and videos of kids opening hydrants in the city.

Instead of complaining about the summer heat, I invite you to embrace the warmth. Because 6 months from now, we will be heading into the depths of winter.

If you are looking for advice on how to run in the heat, this is not that post.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Runner's Gotta Do...

I came home from work Monday and told my husband I was "this close" to a nervous breakdown.

Life 1, Wendy 0.

How do non-runners deal with stress?

I'm pretty sure I have some ideas about that. All of them tempting. None of them healthy.

I've been dealing with this latest flare of PF by taking time off the road. This latest break has lasted 3 weeks. I did run that 10k a few weeks ago, but other than that, I've behaved myself.

Normally when I take time off from running for injury, I'm ok. But this go round? I'm struggling. Probably because this injury has lasted so long. On Monday, I hit critical mass.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Becoming Unstuck

I've been putting on a brave front these last couple of weeks but I'm finally going to put it out there: this foot issue has gotten me down. I try to keep things positive here on the blog. I'm afraid if I write about feeling blue, it will only exacerbate those feelings. Plus who wants to read about my pity party? When I post positive thoughts on the blog, it makes me feel happy. The interaction I have with all of my readers reflects that.

This week I really struggled. I had trouble staying positive. Kind of stuck in a rut, so to speak. It's been nine months dealing with this and I really want it to go away.

True confession: I've got that summertime sadness. I miss running. I really do. Reality bites.

But like the runner that I am, I dug deep and ended the week with some really strong workouts and a much better attitude. I am feeling better.

Just like pushing past mile 20, right?

So how was the week?

Friday, July 15, 2016

Book Review: Runners of North America: A Definitive Guide to the Species by Mark Remy

We are officially in the thick of summer. The dog days. Many runners are also in the depths of fall marathon training. Not this one, sadly. Damn you PF.

But I digress.

Long runs, speed work, tempo runs, fartleks, splits, yassos...GU, fuel, chews, hydration... compression, foam roller,'s all running to me! Runners have their own language. Among other quirky things.

What do you think about on those solo long runs? Do you think about running? About other runners? That guy who just passed you? What kind of runner is he? Mark Remy thinks about other runners and over the years he's pretty much become an expert on running anthropology.  His new book, Runners of North America: A Definitive Guide to the Species is not only a laugh out loud read, it's spot on. Perfect light reading for this time of year.

You can purchase a signed copy here!
Or if you just want a cheaper, unsigned copy, you can buy that here!
Mark Remy is well-known to many of us runners from his humorous articles and now gone but not forgotten Remy's World column in Runner's World magazine. He is currently the proprietor of Dumb Runner, a website where he continues his amusing take on all things running. Remy recently published his 5th book, Runners of North America: A Definitive Guide to the Species where he shares his well-honed observations about all things runners.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I've Got A Feeling...

I've been told that I have great instincts. Intuition? Dumb luck? I usually have a second sense for things.

Not always, but for the most part, things pretty much seem to work out for me. I like to fly by the seat of my pants. You know my motto: trust the gut. And I do. Because when I don't...doh!

Today's Wednesday Word is visceral, and yep, I've got a feeling about this post...

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sole Food: A Week Off the Road

It's been a week of ups and downs. After facing reality and realizing that I needed to take more time off running than I thought to calm this latest PF flare, I immediately felt my willpower muscle start to atrophy. Maybe it's because I trained through injury all winter--who knows--but I'm just not feeling it right now. I'm not feeling sad or anxious or guilty--really, I'm not feeling much of anything at all.

If I had to pick a feeling, I'm feeling kind of free. In a footloose and fancy-free sort of way.

Like those pay-as-you-go wireless plans, I have no long term contracts. No commitments. No obligations.  Really, the only thing I'm working on is recovering from this injury. Yes, I need to maintain fitness, but there's something to be said about shutting off the alarm and rolling over to get a little more sleep. 

Yes, I did that this week. More than once.

I don't know this person but it feels kind of good. In spite of a less than productive week, workout-wise, I'm feeling pretty ok right now.

First, the lowdown on my workouts. Spoiler alert: there's not much to share.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Revising My Fitness Goals for the Rest of the Year

Oh 2016, I had such big plans for you! I was going to travel and run all over you. Even though I started off the year with that pesky foot issue, I worked through it and got to the start lines of my 2 bucket listers, the Sarasota Half Marathon in March and the Big Sur Marathon in April. I returned home from California full of hope and ambition! I felt euphoric and fulfilled. I set my sights on a few half marathons for the rest of the year.

Naturally, fate had other plans for me. My son broke his leg and we got a new puppy. I could roll with that, but after a fall on a rock last week, my plantar fasciitis flared badly. It has yet to calm down. As you read this, I'm getting an x-ray and spending the morning with my sports medicine specialist. No matter what the outcome of that visit, it's clear to me that a revision of my goals for the year is in order.

What's a runner to do?

It isn't as if I haven't been in these shoes before. Literally and figuratively. Does it even matter what's wrong with my foot? No matter what the diagnosis, I'm still going to have to take some time off. Again. So I took a look at the goals I set for myself this year and made some alternative goals that will keep me in shape and ready to run once I can hit the road again.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

This or That....Juxtaposition in Running

For the past year or so, I've been participating in a weekly blog prompt hosted by Deb Runs. Every week for the Wednesday Word link up, she gives us a word to write about. Because I write a running blog, I am tasked with the challenge of using the prompt to write about something running related. Some words are easier than others. Last week's word, delirious, was a bit of a challenge for me but I made it happen.

This week's word? Juxtaposition. Does anyone use this word in everyday conversation? And how do I tie it in with running? Well, never one to back away from a challenge, I wracked my brain to come up with a post for this one.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Stampede 10k Race Recap

Another 10k? Why not? I'm embracing these shorter races where I can find my need for speed! Since this race takes place in the town where I live, I've run this one multiple times. I signed up a couple of weeks ago and made plans with my friend Sara to meet up.

And then disaster struck.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

My Flow....My 5 Plank Flow

June has come to an end and so has Marcia's plank challenge. We started off in May with planks. There weren't any rules save for a daily plank and a post to Instagram. Some folks planked for time and others (ahem, me) got all creative with their planks.

Because does it really matter what you do as long as you plank? Planks are the single best exercise you can do for your core. Oh sure, planks are great for the upper body, but if done properly, there is no better activity to strengthen your core.

There was some good-natured banter between Kim from Running on the Fly and me, and a few other blogger friends joined in. There were planks with dogs, planks in dresses, and we even upped the ante with planking in different settings. It was really fun!

In June, Marcia proposed a push-up challenge. The goal was to get to 100 push-ups by the end of the month. And really, since a push-up is really a plank, a lot of us continued to post plank pictures. I hit my goal of 100 push-ups last weekend while I was on vacation. I won't lie--it was hard. But I'm glad I did it.

For my final day of planking this month,  I did a 5 plank yoga flow. I wish I could take credit for the series, but that goes to my yoga instructor. He had no inkling that I was in need of a fresh idea for the end of the challenge! We did this flow in class Wednesday and I headed to the park to recreate it. It was the perfect ending to a really fun challenge.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What Makes You Happy? Deliriously Happy?

What makes you happy?

Not just happy...but so happy you feel delirious? High? Euphoric? Living a dream?

I can think of a few things.

Ben and Jerry's Karamel Sutra.

Kayaking with my son this past weekend. Listening to music on my car stereo that my oldest son installed. Actually anything with my sons at this point!

Sunshine and a warm breeze. Time on the water. Toes in the sand.

An unexpected thoughtful gesture from my husband.

Petting the fur of my new little pup.

And a great run. In a beautiful place.

Although I've had a lot of runs that felt easy and joyful, my most memorable runs, the ones that have brought me that feeling of joy, that runner's high, have been after crossing the finish line of a marathon or a half marathon. There's something about running hard for a long period of time that makes me feel so complete.

Most recently, my most joyful race was that Big Sur Marathon. I know I keep referring to it, but Big Sur was THE marathon for me. It was a lifelong bucket list race. I fought so hard through my training--dealing with plantar fasciitis--to get to that start line. When Kristina and I crossed the finish line I was overcome by emotion. I didn't feel that euphoria immediately. It wasn't until later in the day after my husband took me out for lunch and a yummy victory beer that I started to realize what I had accomplished. That amazing feeling of savoring my accomplishment lasted for a long time after the race. I still smile when I think about the whole experience. In fact, today someone just asked me about Big Sur and it was like I was transported back to that day.

Pretty sure I was one of the happiest people there.

Ahhhh. The euphoria washes over me just writing about this. It's not like I ran fast or won the thing. But I sure felt like I did.

How often do we get to feel like this? Getting to live a dream come true?

This feeling of delirium, as it relates to running, feels almost like falling in love.

We do fall in love with running, don't we? Not the training so much, although I look back on all my marathon training journeys with fondness. There's such a sense of accomplishment to working so hard for 12-20 weeks, culminating in a big race.

What sticks with us, though, is the feeling of crossing the finish line.

Although I've run quite a few half marathons, some very memorably, crossing the finish line of a marathon is a feeling unmatched by almost everything in life.

Not only Big Sur but after crossing the finish line of last fall's Chicago Marathon, I walked around the marathon village in a daze. A happy, euphoric daze. I felt somewhat delirious. Sure, I just ran 26.2 miles in the heat. But that wasn't what made me feel delirious. I chalk it up to beating down those negative naysayers in my head that told me to quit.

Sometimes finishing is winning. And having your teenage son come to your race? That's winning too.

I can't ever get enough of this moment.
It feels amazingly good to have those races under my belt.

At this point, I am satisfied with my accomplishments. I am happy.

Deliriously happy.

What makes you feel happy? Have you ever done anything that has brought you that feeling of "deliriousness"? If that is even a word...

I'm linking up with Deb Runs for Wednesday Word, which is delirious! This was a tough one!

Also Wild Workout Wednesday! With Annmarie, Nicole, Jen, and Michelle!

And Coaches Corner! With Debbie, Rachel, Lora, and Susie!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Rewind, Reset, Recharge

Greetings from the North Woods of Wisconsin! This post comes to you from one of my favorite places in the whole world, the beautiful Door Peninsula. My parents have had this lovely vacation spot since I was a little girl. I love to take time away from the craziness of life and just unwind here. It always feels like coming home.

Can I stay here forever?

Did I ever need this little getaway! All the stress of the last couple of months--my son Matthew's leg fracture, the new puppy, and other assorted annoyances--has really started to take a toll on me. You know I'm feeling overwhelmed when the mere idea of getting in the car and driving 5 hours to my favorite place exhausts me. But here I am and my arrival felt like a balm to my soul.

My oldest son and husband had to stay home to work, but Matthew, Cocoa, and I have been enjoying our time away in with my parents. Prior to our trip, I took Matthew to the orthopedic surgeon and pleased with the healing she saw on the x-ray, she took his cast off and put him in a boot. She told him he could walk on his leg and that he should swim. Walking has been painful for him. He's still using his crutches. On Friday he and I took the kayaks out and since it is so stony at the beach in from of my parents' house, we paddled across the bay to the sandy beach. Actually, we did it twice. Both times, Matthew walked in the sand and swam. It was the happiest I've seen him since he broke his leg.

Cocoa wasn't so fond of the kayak. We left her home with my parents.

Saturday morning, Cocoa woke me up at 5:30 to go out. I was tired but I got to see this:

After a few cups of coffee, I felt more awake and readied myself for a run. It was a gorgeous morning with a light breeze and a temperature of about 75. Instead of heading into the little town where my parents spend their summers, I headed up the hill to the bluff park. This hill rivals the hills of Big Sur. Even though I was tired, I vowed to run to the top and I did. The view was my reward.

The waters of Green Bay are just beyond where I'm standing.
I continued on my way to the bluff. Another beautiful view. And a clean latrine. I headed back home, savoring that downhill.

Tree pose on the bluff overlooking Green Bay.
Sunday morning I woke up to rain. Cocoa woke me up at 4:30 to go out but I brought her in the bed with me after our trip to the grassy patch. We both promptly fell asleep until 7. By then the rain had stopped. I hemmed and hawed about going for a run, but I wanted to visit my other favorite path that takes me deep into the woods.

A feast for the senses.
I stopped by the rocky shoreline to do some yoga.

I finished off Marcia's push up challenge with 100. They weren't easy today. My arms were tired--probably from the kayaking-- and I had to break the push ups up into small sets. My furry coach made sure that I got them done.

Since it was another gorgeous day, Matthew and I went kayaking on the bay again. The water was unusually calm and we paddled over to the bluffs to explore the caves. I've never done this, and Matthew really enjoyed himself. Even though he fell in the water trying to get back into his kayak. It wasn't that cold...

Tomorrow we drive home and it's back to reality. I'm grateful for these little getaways to rewind, reset, and recharge. 

Do you take time off to get away from everyday life? What kind of activities help you renew?

I'm linking up with Tricia and Holly for their Weekly Wrap! And with Angela and Ilka for the Sunday Fitness and Food Link Up!

How was your week?